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Fire And Rescue Exercise In Derby City Centre

Members of the public are being asked not to be concerned when they see a large presence of fire and rescue service vehicles at the Assembly Rooms in Derby City Centre this afternoon. 

Up-to nine fire engines, an aerial ladder platform and incident command unit will be in attendance at the Assembly Rooms for an exercise designed to test the Service’s Incident Command and breathing apparatus (BA) procedures. 

Speaking ahead of the exercise, Area Manager Rob Taylor said: “The fire and rescue service regularly carries out exercises, allowing us to train for all manner of emergencies, testing our procedures and how effectively we work with other emergency services and partner agencies. 

“It is important that we exercise at key local risks and undertake realistic training wherever possible. Today’s exercise has been developed to test our incident command and breathing apparatus processes at large incidents involving a fire. 

“I hope the presence of so many emergency service vehicles at the Assembly Rooms doesn’t cause anyone any alarm, but instead, gives people the reassurance that we regularly test all aspects of our emergency response. 

“When the exercise is complete a full de-brief will take place and we will look at any learning outcomes and how they can potentially improve our response, or prevent emergency incidents in the future.” 

Emergency service vehicles will be in Derby city centre from 1400 hours until approximately 1800 hours.