Inclusion & Equality Forum Agenda and Papers
Item | Subject | Who |
1. |
Apologies |
2. |
Declarations of Interest |
3. |
Minutes of the meeting held 6 September 2022 |
4. |
Minutes of the Independent Community Inclusion Board held on 8 September 2022 | |
5. |
Public Sector Equality Duty (verbal update) |
Area Manager Clive Stanbrook |
6. |
Positive Action in the Fire & Rescue Service (verbal update) | Gina Staley |
7. |
Report on Inclusion Activities |
Area Manager Clive Stanbrook |
8. |
Presentation on Inclusion and Equality in the Fire and Rescue Service | Councillor Ramsay |
Committee Clerk: Marie Lloyd-Jones
There were no declarations of interest from Members.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record.
The minutes were noted.
Action - Public Sector Equality Duty will become an agenda item at each meeting.
Members noted that a new version of the Public Sector Equality Duty Report has been launched on the website and will be reviewed in May 2023. Following a request from the ICIB, DFRS are producing a new Community Risk Management Plan with equality objectives and considerations to link into decision-making. Each department will produce their own strategy, and the Inclusion and Equality Team will advise and assist. Training will be undertaken by senior managers to support them .
Members were assured that departments will be offered advice and resources where required.
Members were assured that the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) on-line process is working well It is critical that decisions are informed by an EQIA which pays due regard to protected characteristics.
Members thanked the Inclusion and Equality Team for the work they have undertaken.
Members noted the following positive action activities:
Members noted the following inclusion activities:
Ascot Drive Community Room
In Attendance:
Date of Meeting |
Note/Decision |
Action By |
Due Date |
Item 1. |
Welcome and Apologies |
Item 2. |
Positive Action presentation by Lud Ramsey Questions after NC – how can we work together to make changes to the figures, I’m shocked for example to see no black females at all? LR – need to work with the service, different reps in my community. London the only organisation that have input a lot of time and money. MWW – we are doing a lot of these things already. We ask you to signpost people to us. SD – The issue is black representation across the whole of the business we shouldn’t just focus on wholetime employees all the time MWW – Some remote areas do not have different ethnicities such as Bradwell & Hathersage SD – We need to ensure this is not tokenistic, individuals need to add value as an individual. MWW to NC – can we work together with your Derby Youth Group? NC – I suggested this 2 years ago, the youths I work with say they won’t work for the fire service as there are no other black fire fighters CS – wasn’t there a radio opportunity? NC – a colleague was the BLM rep, but I don’t think the station has gone any further, there are other stations to pursue, one I know of is run by youths. JK – I want to say a big thank you for visiting the Ukranian Centre last month, the kids really enjoyed it. |
Item 3. Objective 1.
Objective 4. Objective 5. |
Public Sector Equality Duty Report GS – we engaged a lot over the Summer with different communities. It is important to have this group to broaden this reach MWW – the Deaf Awareness Day went really well, having the interpreters alongside the RTC demonstration, it was very well received SD – we cannot rely on one person to be responsible for inclusion. We are creating a 3-year workforce plan ‘Our Plan’ and embedding EDI across the board. Training will be the responsibility of all, and everyone will be equally accountable. CS – everyone must be responsible for EDI, it cannot be down to the people in this room MWW – practical solutions are rolling out, starting at headquarters with the prayer room and washing facilities and we will be able to roll this out to stations also. GS – a few awareness sessions, 40 attendees online, very positive and good discussions were had about On Call, unfortunately they were looking for Wholetime, but I did discuss Support opportunities too. Workbook developed for self-assessment as a support tool, the link of which will be sent over to yourselves for feedback. There will also be options for advertising, Positive Action specific. SD – data is very important, the census information is out at the end of October, updates in our system will give a true measure across the board at every single stage. Meeting with data team and HR next week. GS – we are in the process of building a new Intranet with visible EDI hub, there will be a hole library of resources. This does not replace compulsory training. LR – this needs to be done in the fire service, especially those who want to go for promotion. EDI is not mentioned and tested the same as FF are operationally. There should be some EDI project-based assignment for promotional purposes MWW – I can 100% say that does happen now. Always a question added in the interview process such as ‘what is EDI and what have you done to promote it?’ CS – it is presented at interview from Crew Manager up and it is an automatic failure if you don’t pass that question. We have made a few changes to be job specific, removing the bleep test at recruitment as this is included in the fitness test and not selection process. |
AOB NC – there is a female black fire fighter in service somewhere in the region, maybe they would be interested in joining an awareness session/event. Maybe produce a promotional video for Muslims to show inclusivity? LC – what ages are you recruiting? We’d like an age range, so we don’t lose enthusiasm and what qualifications are required? GS – minimum age is 18 for operational, English and Maths, grades 4 – 9 MWW – possibly carry out awareness day for a group of care leavers? LC – Chesterfield & High Peak, various numbers, maybe we should set up a meeting outside this one. ED – I want to thank you for attending the event recently and I would like to contribute to the Positive Action workbook. We are creating cards to show diverse range of fire fighting safety messages; I will send a sample to GS. Meeting closed 11:30 Next meeting – 08/12/2022 |
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