Part 1 Open Items
1. Public Question Time
2. Apologies
3. Declarations of Interest
4. To confirm the Minutes of the Fire & Rescue Authority Meeting held on 21 September 2023
5. To confirm the Amended Open Minutes of the Governance & Performance Working Group Meeting held on 21 September 2023.
Reports for Decision:
6. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24 (as of October 2023) – Head of Corporate
Financial Services/Treasurer, Mark Nash
6a. Appendix 1 Draft
6b. Appendix 2 Draft
6c. Appendix 3 Draft
7. Capital Budget Monitoring 2023/24 (as of October 2023) and Prudential Indicator
Update – Head of Corporate Financial Services/Treasurer, Mark Nash
7a. Appendix 1 Capital Programme 2023-24 Monitoring
8. Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25 – 2027/28 – Head of Corporate Financial
Services/Treasurer, Mark Nash
8a. Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024/25
9. Brigade Managers’ Pay Review 2023/24 – Solicitor/Monitoring Officer, Louise Taylor
Reports for Information:
10. Update from Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive
The Authority is asked to consider in respect of the following items whether the public should be excluded from the meeting to avoid disclosure of information that is exempt for the reasons set out in the minutes and reports at items 11 to 13.
11. To confirm the Exempt Minutes of the Fire & Rescue Authority Meeting held on 21 September 2023.
Reports for Decision:
12. Review of the Strategic Leadership Team Structure – Solicitor/Monitoring Officer, Louise Taylor
Reports for Information:
13. Verbal Update on Rebuild Programme for Glossop and Matlock Fire Stations – Deputy
Chief Fire Officer, Rob Taylor