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Chesterfield Fire Station it is a whole time fire station with 4 watches, each with 1 Watch Manager, 1 Crew Manager and up to 5 Firefighters. There is 1 fire engine and an ALP (Aerial ladder Platform). Chesterfield fire station predominantly responds to incidents in Chesterfield and the surrounding areas.

Contact Numbers

Contact Numbers

General Fire Service Enquiries: 01773 305305



Spire Walk Business Park
Braidwood Way
S40 2WH

District: Chesterfield

Duty System


Wholetime Stations are staffed by wholetime personnel using a shift system of 4 watches (blue, green, red and white) operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This comprises of a 4 on 4 off work pattern of 2 day shifts (8am to 7pm) and 2 night shifts (7pm to 8am), followed by 4 days off.


Wholetime Training : Daily - Usually in the morning

Station Key Personnel

Watch Manager

The Watch Manager is identified from the role markings shown & wears a navy blue shirt. Their primary duty, is the running of the station and the management of the staff attached to that location. They are the officer in-charge of the fire appliance & take charge of incidents that they attend.

Crew Manager

The Crew Manager is identified by the role markings shown & wears a navy blue shirt. This person assists the Watch  Manager in the delivery of their duties, which includes standing in for them in their absence.This person rides on the fire appliance as a crew member but also has the qualifications to be in charge of an incident when required.

Fire fighter

Firefighters wear a navy blue shirt but do not have any role markings. Their primary role is to undertake the general duties required for the daily running of the fire station and forms the remainder of the crew that staff the appliance attached to that particular location.

Station Appliances

Water Ladder Pump

Water Ladder Pump

Able to attend all fire service incidents. Crewed by 3-6 staff.

  • 1800 Ltr water tank
  • Godiva 2010 world series multi pressure pump or Prima multi pressure pump
  • Carries a 13.5m or 10.5m ladder , a short extension ladder, a 9m ladder and a roof ladder
  • Newer appliances carry 100 litres of foam.



The hydraulic Aerial Ladder Platform, known as an ALP, traditionally serves two purposes, namely rescue and firefighting, although it is also often used effectively as an observation tower. It is designed for operations which involve medium and high rise buildings where they can deploy a high level of water or foam application to a fire or for rescuing people from high buildings. Other duties include floodlighting, bridging, lifting and scene surveillance.

The ALP will offer the IC the additional options of a water tower, high level lighting and camera. Mobilising of an ALP includes a dedicated support pump.

Maximum working height - 34m

Maximum cage loading - 400kg

Width of vehicle with outriggers deployed - 5.5m

Weight of vehicle - 23.5 tonnes

Station Stats

Incidents Attended in Station Admin Area (Any Appliance)

Incident Type

2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 Total 

House fire

57 51 48 156

Other building fire

27 29 21 77

Vehicle fire

22 23 29 74

Outdoor fire

103 113 149 365

Road traffic collision

32 39 33 104

False alarms attended

178 239 241 658

Other non-fire incident

76 112 133 321


495 606 654 1755