First Contact is a free service for adults living in Derbyshire. It provides an easy way for you to get in touch with local services who can support your wellbeing and help you stay independent. We are a proactive partner alongside a variety of local agencies.
Services that can be accessed through First Contact
We work with a variety of statutory and voluntary sector organisations who can provide advice and support around the following areas:
- Staying safe and secure at home – including safe and well visits and smoke alarms, home safety and security advice, support for victims of bogus callers, rogue traders and scams, preventing falls, community alarms.
- Housing support
- Social and recreational activities
- Work, learning, volunteering and income support
- Families and relationships services
- Health and wellbeing services and support
Once a checklist is filled out it is sent to the county council's contact centre Call Derbyshire which acts as the central point for the information.
The relevant agencies are then contacted and in turn they get in touch with the person direct to offer help and support.