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Safe and Well Visits

Service Satisfaction Overview

S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS

Quarter 1 2024-25

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


This information relates to Q4 2024/25/ 1 Safe & Well returned during this period, the respondent stated they were ‘very satisfied’ with the service.

Quarter 2 2024-25

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


This information relates to Q2 2024/25. 1 Safe & Well returned during this period, the respondent stated they were ‘very satisfied’ with the service. 

Quarter 4 2023-24

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


Quarter 3 2023-24

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


Quarter 2 2023-24

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


Quarter 1 2023-24

Secondary Measure


S&W Consultation respondents satisfied with DFRS


Totals S&W consultation returned


Total dissatisfied


You said.... We responded

Period No. You Said We Responded
Q2 2024-25   No comments  
Q1 2024-25   No comments  
Q4 2023-24   Before arrival, be aware of the vulnerability of your client e.g., the appearance of an authoritative, official service can create agitation to the elderly and mentally unabled! Triggers from past experiences etc. Perhaps a warning letter of impending arrival?? Hard I know. It is difficult to pre-empt our communities of when we will be attending on all occasions, however SWC training does incorporate methods for working with vulnerable people, and while this detail would not be available to all contacts, crews should be able to understand when issues such as this may arise
Q3 2023-24   No comments  
Q2 2023-24   No comments  
Q1 2023-24   No comments  
Q4 2022-23   No comments   
Q3 2022-23   No comments  
Q2 2022-23   No comments  
Q1 2022-23   No comments  
Q4 2021-22   No comments  
Q3 2021-22   No comments  
Q2 2021-22   No comments  
Q1 2021-22   No comments  
Q4 2020-21   No comments  
Q3 2020-21   No comments  
Q2 2020-21   No comments  
Q1 2020-21   No comments  
Q4 2019-20   No comments  
Q3 2019-20   No comments  
Q2 2019-20 1 I didn’t know about the service, so more advertising would be useful. I think it is a very worthwhile service’ Thank you for your comment, we are pleased you found the visit informative. Unfortunately we aren’t able to advertise the service as we have specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits, based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We are always looking at improving our service and as an example an interactive tablet is being developed for Crews with Safe & Well information and an interpreter (via language line) available in 30 languages. This will help crews who serve our most diverse communities gain access and engage with some of the most vulnerable people.
Q2 2019-20 2 Probably by making it more well known, understandably a time factor but if it prevents fires then this counteracts Thank you for your comment, we are pleased you found the visit informative. Unfortunately we aren’t able to advertise the service as we have specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits, based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We are always looking at improving our service and as an example an interactive tablet is being developed for Crews with Safe & Well information and an interpreter (via language line) available in 30 languages. This will help crews who serve our most diverse communities gain access and engage with some of the most vulnerable people.
Q1 2019-20 1 I am still not entirely sure how long a battery will continue bleeping on the occasion of a fire? Thank you for your query, a smoke alarm will continue to sound until the smoke in the compartment has cleared. Even if the smoke alarm is silenced, it will alarm again should there still be smoke in the room affected or in the vicinity of the alarm. In the smoke detectors DFRS fit, there are 10 year batteries sealed into the unit. It is important to remember that smoke alarms should be checked weekly to ensure they are working correctly should a fire occur.
Q4 2018-19 1 Make visits more regularly, or maybe just a call to make sure everything is alright Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately we aren’t able to visit every property on a regular basis as we have very specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits, based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We do ensure people feel safe in their homes, have escape plans, working smoke alarms and also know how to contact us further should they require more assistance.
Q4 2018-19 2 A yearly visit would be welcome to check the alarms Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately we aren’t able to visit every property on a regular basis as we have very specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits, based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We do ensure people feel safe in their homes, have escape plans, working smoke alarms and also know how to contact us further should they require more assistance. 
Q4 2018-19 3 The officers were extremely courteous and kind. It would have been helpful to have known they were coming in advance of their visit. Having recently been scammed by a company, I am hesitant about dry callers Thank you for your comment and we are pleased you found the visit both excellent and very helpful. We are pleased to advise that following feedback from Crews and Safe & Well Visit customer feedback, from January prevention & response commenced with a 6 month trial of fire crews leaflet dropping the areas they intend to direct engage with the following week. This leaflet will let the residents know when we will be in their area, what a Safe & Well Check entails and also contact details should they not be available on the dates the Crews are in their area. The trial areas are Kingsway, Chesterfield & Long Eaton.
Q4 2018-19 4 At a time when hackers are having so many successes, I can see no possible justification for the Fire Service needing the date of birth of a member of the public. Please consider omitting such requests, or at least asking for his/her year of birth only Thank you for your comment, this information is given on a voluntary basis and is protected under GDPR Regulations. The details given are used so that in some cases we can signpost people to other services which may be available to them. We do not let 3rd parties have access to our information.
Q4 2018-19 5 Bring the system into the 21st century, questions on computer tablets, key in answers, data then sent direct to appropriate databases. Speed up, more accurate information Thank you for your comment, DFRS always strive to keep up to date with new technology. We are in the early stages of a trial for tablet devices. This will allow flexible mobile working, something we hope will speed up our process and allow us more time to engage with our community. 
Q4 2018-19 6 Advertise more to let the public know about the great service you provide Thank you for your comment, we are pleased you found the visit informative. Unfortunately we aren’t able to advertise the service as we have specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits, based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We are always looking at improving our service and as an example an interactive tablet is being developed for Crews with Safe & Well information and an interpreter (via language line) available in 30 languages. This will help crews who serve our most diverse communities gain access and engage with some of the most vulnerable people. 
Q3 2018-19 1 Let us know in advance when you're likely to call Thank you for your comment, we are pleased to advise that a trial is underway at Long Eaton and Buxton stations to deliver cards to addresses prior to visiting. This informs occupants of when the crews will be in the area and what the purpose of the visits are.
Q3 2018-19 2 The visit was excellent and very helpful, but it was pure chance that I was both at home and had time for the visit to take place Thank you for your comment and we are pleased you found the visit both excellent and very helpful. We are pleased to advise that following feedback from Crews and Safe & Well Visit customer feedback, from January prevention & response commenced with a 3 month trial of fire crews leaflet dropping the areas they intend to direct engage with the following week. This leaflet will let the residents know when we will be in their area, what a Safe & Well Check entails and also contact details should they not be available on the dates the Crews are in their area. The trial areas / watches are Kingsway Red Watch and Long Eaton Red Watch.
Q3 2018-19 3 Nothing except to notify beforehand of your visit. The officer was polite and I am impressed with your service Thank you for your comment, we are pleased you were impressed with both the officer and the service. We are pleased to advise that a trial is underway at Long Eaton and Buxton stations to deliver cards to addresses prior to visiting. This informs occupants of when the crews will be in the area and what the purpose of the visits are.
Q3 2018-19 4 Visit more frequently, as it must be about seven or eight years since my alarms were fitted Thank you for your comment, smoke alarm batteries have a 10 year lifespan, so we would usually only re-visit if circumstances change and the individual falls into a high risk category to warrant visiting on a more frequent basis.
Q3 2018-19 5 Give the Safe & Well visit more high profile to the general public in the local press. I didn’t know about this until the visit for my smoke alarm. It was very informative for me as an older person, especially the safety advice in case of fire. Thank you Thank you for your comment, we are pleased you found the visit informative. Unfortunately we aren’t able to advertise the service as we have very specific criteria for how to determine risk and prioritise our visits based on vulnerability of the public we serve. We are always looking at improving our service and as an example an interactive tablet is being developed for Crews with Safe & Well information and an interpreter (via language line) available in 30 languages. This will help crews who serve our most diverse communities gain access and engage with some of the most vulnerable people.
Q3 2018-19 6 By providing information on types of kitchen appliances to avoid i.e. fridge freezers and microwaves with plastic back panels Thank you for your comment, DFRS does not make recommendation on which type of appliance to purchase, only that it should be purchased from a reputable dealer, be well maintained and used in line with the manufacturers recommendations. As a Service we do, however, publish information on product recalls on our website that advise our communities of potential safety issues.
Q2 2018-19   No comments  
Q1 2018-19   No comments