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The Dying2Drive brand and events are aimed at young drivers, their passengers and young learner drivers.

The Dying2Drive brand and events are aimed at young drivers, their passengers and young learner drivers.

It encompass a range of road safety initiatives including road traffic collision demonstrations, workshops that can be undertaken with young people at schools or youth groups, and literature and advertising offering guidance and signposting to government road safety initiatives.

The road traffic collision demonstrations are scripted to improve their appeal and to reflect scenarios that may be encountered by young drivers and road users. The demonstrations take place at colleges, schools and at events around the county likely to be attended by young drivers or learners.

The scenarios are hard hitting and illustrate the consequences of drink and drug driving, not using seatbelts, driving at speed and driving with distractions. The Police, Fire Service, Ambulance Service and Air Ambulance recreate scenes which reflects incidents that they face week in, week out across the county.

An example of a demonstration scenario is given below.

A group of young people are in high spirits and on their way to a local gig. The driver, extremely proud of his new car, had lowered the suspension and fitted new alloy wheels - both of which affected the car's handling allowing it to spin out of control following a momentary lapse of concentration.

None of the young people were wearing seatbelts and the driver's sister is fatally ejected through the rear window. As the driver leaves the vehicle dazed and confused he leaves behind two friends who are critically injured and realises he has collided with another car carrying a parent and baby.

Our partner agencies taking part in the Dying2Drive initiative include: