Property and Corporate Services
The Corporate Services portfolio contains departments that maintain and improve the infrastructure used by all parts of the service.
- The Property department manages the service's property portfolio, delivering estate management, repairs and maintenance across all sites.
- The Technical Services department are responsible for investigating potential new Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and for maintaining all current operational equipment. Additionally they manage the service's water supplies and the emergency feeding at incidents.
- The Transport department procures, manages and maintains a diverse fleet comprising of front line appliances, specialist vehicles, support vehicles and an officer's car scheme.
Corporate Financial Services
The Corporate Financial Services portfolio provides financial services to the whole of the service and is split into the following departments.
- The Accountancy department is responsible for the production of the Statement of Accounts, and subsequent audit and publication on behalf of the Authority. The section also compiles the Medium Term Financial Plan (budget) for Fire Authority approval in February each year and manages the Service's borrowing and investment requirements. It produces all financial policies and procedures and all financial data returns for statutory bodies. The section is responsible for long term pension forecasts to the Government and recovery of Grant from the Home Office. The section also assists budget holders, ensures the integrity of financial systems, and assists in the provision of accurate and timely financial information to Members, senior officers, and other stakeholders.
- The Finance department facilitates all the payments and recording of receipts and invoices for the Service accounts, monitors and pays all expenses, provides banking services and credit control, for the production of financial statistical information for use by the Strategic Management Team.
- The Payroll and Pensions department is focused on the financial services supplied to the service employees, Fire Authority Members and Fire pensioners. It deals with employee pay and pension contributions; reimbursement of expenses; all statutory payments and deductions e.g. National Insurance and tax; payments in respect of pension payments to Fire pensioners and allowances to Fire Authority Members and is responsible for the reconciliation of payroll information.
- The Procurement department aims to deliver supplies and services at the optimum value in line with best value objectives. It monitors the Service's contracts and provides advice and support to all stakeholders on contractual matters. The department is also responsible for the Services consumable stores for everything from stationery to personal protective equipment.
- Indirect Tax Manager provides the day-to-day management, compliance and specialist advice of indirect taxes – VAT, CIS, International trade as examples. This includes the completion of HMRC statutory returns and liaison with HMRC.
People and Organisational Development
The departments of the People and Organisational Development portfolio carry out functions that help the service communicate with the communities it serves and then to move forward and develop new ways of working to satisfy the needs of the community.
- The Organisational Development department is responsible for providing a framework for Service projects and initiatives and monitors activities to ensure work is carried out on time and to budget. The team also runs the Service's consultations with the community to help us determine what is required by the communities we serve and how we are performing.
- The Corporate Communications department provides the framework and resources for designing and producing internal and external communication. This includes printed and digital materials for advertising campaigns, organisation of media events and liaison with the press. This department is also responsible for the running of this website.
- The Human Resources department are involved with the recruitment, retention and support of the Service's staff by supporting Managers recruit people with the right skills and potential for roles within the service and then provide support on all aspects of employment, be that welfare concerns, grievances, disciplinary, or role changes. Human Resources ensure their processes are streamlined and provide personnel management data that enables the Service to evaluate its delivery and to continually improve.
- The Occupational Health department provides a comprehensive occupational health service including health promotion and education, fitness and physical well-being support, and a confidential welfare service to provide advice on work, health and family problems.
Operational Training, Policy and Assurance
The Operational Assurance team ensures that the Service's fire stations, appliances and staff are regularly monitored and fit for purpose.
The Safety and Risk Management Team has responsibility for the development and promotion of the safety and risk management system that enables employer and employee to fulfil both statutory and moral obligations. This is carried out through close liaison with other departments and portfolios to ensure that all employees are provided with suitable equipment and personal protective equipment; the working environment is as controlled as it can be; and information, instruction, training and supervision is appropriate so that all can go about their work in safety, and with no risk to their health. The team monitors accidents and near hit reports and ensures that all such events are investigated and learning is used to improve the safety and risk management system.
The Operational Training portfolio aims to assist all personnel in acquiring new skills and to maintaining existing skills, enabling them to perform to the maximum potential within their roles.
The Operational Training Management Team oversees the Workforce Development, Driver Training, Incident Command, Trainee Firefighter Development, Breathing Apparatus and Technical Rescue Sections.
Systems & Information
The Systems & Information portfolio implements, enhances, maintains and supports System & Information needs across the service. Systems & Information works with all other portfolios (and our partners) to deliver effective and efficient solutions that meet changing business needs and maximise the investment made. The portfolio is split into the following areas.
- Business Intelligence.
Is made up of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Data Management and Sharepoint teams. These areas are responsible for the collection, analysis, reporting and sharing of data, in order to provide relevant, timely and accurate information to all departments and external bodies as required. Working with the service to deliver solutions that meet business requirements.
- ICT Service Delivery.
Ensuring that ICT services are delivered effectively and efficiently across the organisation. Provides ICT support and maintains and enhances the ICT infrastructure. Putting in place the required ICT Security to protect the services ICT infrastructure e.g. from cyber-attacks.
- ICT Projects.
Implements technical projects that enhance the infrastructure and install new/replacement systems.
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