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Q3 performance summary 2022-23

October - December 2022/2023

Incident Activity

  • 5,746 incidents attended between April and December 2022, an increase of 9% from the same period last year.

  • In Q3, our crews attended 396 fire incidents, a 15% decrease on the period average

Malicious False Alarms

  • We attended 17 hoax fire calls in Q3, distracting our crews from potential life-threatening situations.

Incident Response

  • In Q3, 8,848 emergency calls were answered by Joint Control staff, a reduction of 60% on the previous quarters recorded total for Joint Control.

  • Control operators achieved an average call handling time of 83 seconds to P1 and P2 fires, 4 seconds quicker than last quarter

  • In Q3 our first pumps arrived at 82% of life-risk fires within 10 minutes of being mobilised, which is above our target of 80%

  • This quarter, our On-Call appliance availability was 78% while Wholetime pumps were available more than 99% of the time

Casualties and Fatalities

  • 2 accidental fire fatalities between October and December.

  • 7 people hospitalised with injuries from accidental fires in Q3

  • 0 water related fatalities recorded in Q3, with incidents of this nature declining significantly on 2021/22.

Accidental Dwelling fires

  • 89 accidental house fires attended between October and December

  • 82% of houses that had an accidental fire in Q3 had a smoke alarm fitted.

Deliberate fires

  • Crews attended 159 deliberate fires between October and December. Deliberate fires fell by 82% between August and December

  • 39 deliberate vehicles fires in Q3 of which 25% were motorcycles

Emergency Special Services

  • DFRS attended 463 emergency special service incidents in Q3, including helping out other agencies on 212 occasions.


  • 2 people were killed and 12 seriously injured at RTCs attended by DFRS during Q3. This equates to a 56% reduction on Q2.


  • By the end of December 14% of our operational workforce were from under-represented groups and 11% of our operational workforce were female.

  • During quarter 3, we recorded 10.8 average shifts lost to sickness.

  • 88% of our staff have now received an annual appraisal

Prevention activities

  • Between October and December, we delivered over 3,600 Safe and Well checks to vulnerable people

  • Between April and December we have delivered 653 School fire safety talks, an increase of 140% on the previous year

Protection Activities

  • 25 non-domestic property fires in Q3, this is below target for this period

  • During Q3 our crews and protection teams visited over 2,357 non-domestic properties in Derbyshire to identify any potential risks to crews and to ensure compliance with fire regulations.

  • In November the Service undertook 132 audits – this is the highest monthly since October 2012