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The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service is committed to promoting equality, inclusion and diversity.  These key areas drive how we treat each other and how we interact with the communities of Derbyshire to deliver our services.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service’s vision is to ‘Make Derbyshire Safer Together.’ The Services’ ‘Our Plan 2023-26’ (Community Risk Management Plan) details how we will do this, with the Service recognising the importance of an effective Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) strategy combined with our Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Objectives to support its delivery and ongoing work against our Service Priorities. 

  • PSED Objective 1- We will improve our understanding of all our communities to keep them safe from fire and other emergencies 

  • PSED Objective 2 - We will improve our understanding of our workforce and create an environment where all can achieve 

  • PSED Objective 3 - We will improve the representation of the workforce to reflect the community we serve; to provide the diversity of thought, skills, and experiences required to make everyone in Derbyshire safer 

  • PSED Objective 4 - We will identify opportunities to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment 

  • PSED Objective 5 -   We will identify opportunities to improve the quality and relevance of data used to inform our decisions 

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy outlines our approach to making our Service more inclusive to improve employee wellbeing and better serve our communities. It summarises the continuing work towards embedding equality at the heart of all our activities and seeks to consolidate and build upon the progress that has already been achieved. It is of importance in both our responsibilities as an employer and our outward facing service delivery activities. It ensures we prioritise and direct our resources on a risk based, intelligence led basis to the most vulnerable and in need within our community, without prejudice. 

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service has developed a new Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2023-2026. The Strategy document is now finalised and we are delivering the activity that underpins it. You can access a digital copy of the strategy below or email to request a different format or support in accessing the information via an alternative method. 

The Strategy is supported by an annual action plan and reported and monitored through the Service’s Inclusion and Equality Forum with representatives from the Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Authority. 

If you have any queries regarding our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, or on equality and diversity in general, kindly email