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Notification of Personal Interests 2024 - Jack Wooley

I, Jack Woolley, a Member of the Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Authority make this statement of Financial and Other Interests* which are required to be declared under section 81(1) of the Local Government Act 2000, the Authority’s Code of Conduct and section 30 of the Localism Act 2011. I have put “NONE” where there are no such interests under a heading.

[*Councillors must make a statement of Financial and Other Interests of themselves and their spouse, civil partner or person they are living with as husband and wife or civil partner].

I understand that there are criminal offences in section 34 of the Localism Act 2011 which are concerned with Statutory Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

I further understand that the Members' Code of Conduct places obligations upon me to disclose and declare Disclosable Interests and I have familiarised myself with the requirements of the Code.

Membership of other bodies

(a) I am a member or in a position of general control or management of the following body/bodies to which I have been appointed or nominated by the authority.

Councillor Wooley:   Arkwright in Vessel Composting Facility Liaison

                  Arkwright Community Liaison Group

                  Derbyshire Law Centre

        Environment Agency – Regional Flood and Coastal Committee for the Trent Catchment (substitute)

        Markham Vale Liaison Committee

        Rolls Royce Liaison Committee

                                    Sutton-cum-Duckmanton Education Foundation

                                    Sutton-cum-Duckmanton Relief in Need Charity

                                    Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Partner: None

(b) I am a member of in a position of general control or management of the following body/bodies exercising functions of a public nature.

Councillor Wooley:  Conservative and Unionist Party

                                   North Derbyshire Conservative Association

Partner: None

(c) I am a member of in a position of general control or management of the following body/bodies directed to charitable purposes

Councillor Woolley: Director – Derbyshire Law Centre

Partner: None

(d) I am a member or in a position of general control or management of the following body/bodies one of whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including trade unions and professional associations).

Councillor Woolley:

Conservative and Unionist Party

North Derbyshire Conservative Association

Partner: None

Employment, office, trade or vocation

(e) My employment/business carried on. 

Councillor Woolley: Communications and PR Specialist for Marketing Nottingham


Administrator for Sheffield Hallam University

(f) Name of person/body that employs or has appointed me, the name of any firm in which I am a partner and the name of any company for which I am a remunerated director.

Councillor Wooley: Marketing Nottingham

Partner: Sheffield Hallam University


(g) Name of person(s) or body/bodies (other than a relevant authority) who has/have made a payment to me in respect of my election or any expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties.

Councillor Wooley:

Conservative and Unionist Party

North Derbyshire Conservative Association

Partner: None

Interests in Securities

(h) Name(s) of any person(s) or corporate body/bodies having a place of business or land in the authority’s area, and in which I have a beneficial interest in a class of securities of that person(s) or body/bodies that exceeds the nominal value of £25,000, or one hundredth of the total issued share capital (whichever is lower).

Councillor Woolley: None

Partner: None


(i) Description of any contract for goods, services or works made between the authority and myself or a firm in which I am a partner, a company of which I am a remunerated director, or a person or body of the description specified in (h) above.

Councillor Woolley: None

Partner: None


(j) Details of the interests of any person from whom I have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25.

Councillor Woolley: None

Partner: None


(k) Address or other description (sufficient to identify location) of any land in the authority’s area in which I have a beneficial interest. This may include the house you live in.

Councillor Woolley:


Partner: None


(l) Address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land in the authority’s area for which I have a licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy for 28 days or longer.

Councillor Woolley: None

Partner: None

Corporate Tenancies

(m) Address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land where the landlord is the authority and I am, or a firm in which I am a partner, a company of which I am a remunerated director, or a person or body of the description specified in (h) above is, a tenant.

Councillor Woolley: None

Partner: None