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Our Plan Year Two Action Plan 2023-26

Service Priority 1

Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Strategy Implement prevention, protection, response and operational preparedness Strategies Performance meetings Outcomes within the strategies implemented
Business-as-usual Continue to respond to all fire safety complaints within 24 hours Performance meetings All complaints considered, which provides reassurance to the
communities of Derbyshire
Business-as-usual Undertake exercises and annual site visits to Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) sites to test operational preparedness Performance meetings: SSRI visits, exercises and debriefs Relevant accurate information available for all COMAH sites

Service Priority 2

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Project To have a system of decontamination embedded, and that all instances of contamination are appropriately recorded and monitored Programme Board Provide suitable and appropriate protection for our staff
Project Continue with the fire engine replacement programme Programme Board Robust, effective, and cost-efficient fleet to support all aspects of emergency response
Business-as-usual Introduce new personal protective equipment (PPE) for use at water incidents Fleet, Equipment and Procurement Steering Group Maintain the safety and effectiveness of our responding crews
Strategy Implement the workforce strategy and plan Workforce Planning Group Full establishment of trained, skilled employees, with appropriate and timely succession planning
Strategy Continue to develop the leadership programme to enhance management and leadership skills Performance meetings Leadership programme, developed and implemented, appraisals, 360 reviews

Service Priority 3

Putting people first to maintain an outstanding culture of equality and inclusivity

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Strategy Act on identified areas of focus to improve employee engagement and maintain a positive workplace culture Performance board Good workplace culture, with motivated engaged employees
Strategy Implement the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy and action plan Inclusion and Equality Forum Strategy outcomes delivered
Project Implement a new pay and grading framework for support employees Programme Board Project outcomes achieved

Reduce any likelihood of equal pay claims

Competitive pay

Align with other emergency service job evaluation methodology
Project Continue to review and reshape enabling functions to support the delivery of the Community Risk Management Plan


Strategic Leadership Team Enabling functions designed to meet demands and priorities

Service Priority 4

Delivering an efficient and effective service that adds value to our communities

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Project Implement an updated mobilisation solution for Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service Replacement Mobilising Solution Strategic Board; Programme Board Able to mobilise the right resource efficiently and effectively to emergencies
Project Undertake an emergency fire cover review Strategic Leadership Team Ensure appropriate resources available to respond to emergencies
Project Continue with the redevelopment of Matlock and Glossop fire stations Strategic Leadership Team Stations redeveloped within project scope
Project Implement the high-level savings plan and consider further savings to meet current and future funding challenges Strategic Leadership Team and Fire & Rescue Authority Meet funding challenges by efficient use of resources whilst providing an effective service to the community
Project Implement pensions legislation Service Management Team and Fire & Rescue Authority Meet statutory requirements

Service Priority 5

Promoting continuous improvement through effective challenge and embracing learning

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Strategy Introduce an assurance and evaluation framework for all prevention activities Performance meetings Prevention activity undertaken as proposed and achieves intended outcomes
Business-as-usual Continue to review fire standards and act on gaps found Performance meetings Fire standards implemented
Business-as-usual Plan and prepare for the 2024 HMICFRS inspection Act on areas for improvement found following the inspection Senior Leadership Team & Fire & Rescue Authority Inspection undertaken and action plan to address areas for improvement created
Strategy Act on the recommendations to address outcomes from the Manchester Arena Inquiry Operational Assurance Group Improve operational preparedness and interoperability with other emergency services
Strategy Continue to develop and implement the environmental strategy action plan Programme Board, Strategic Leadership Team Enable effective response to climate change

Service Priority 6

Enabling the organisation through data and digital transformation

  Priority and action Monitoring: Success Measure:
Project Develop the HR system to improve training records and processes Programme Board FireWatch Steering Group A single training recording system that holds accurate reliable data, with the ability to access, interrogate and report efficiently
Project Develop the HR system to manage Availability functionality for Wholetime crews and provide information to the mobilising system Programme Board FireWatch Steering Group A single system to record roles, skills, qualifications and availability. Ability to record detachments and contract changes seamlessly
Project Further develop the HR system to deliver increased functionality and efficiency Programme Board
FireWatch Steering Group
Improved usability of the FireWatch system with a more user-friendly interface to improve efficiency
Strategy Implement the Systems & Information (ICT) strategy Programme Board Strategy outcomes delivered
Business-as-usual Review cyber security measures and undertake exercises to test them Strategic Leadership Team
Performance meetings
Internal and external ICT review
Effective cyber security measures in place