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Our Plan Year One Action Plan 2023-24

Service Priority 1

Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

  • Introduce our new Prevention, Protection, Response and Operational Preparedness Strategies
  • Use a person-centred framework to ensure the most vulnerable in our communities are targeted for a safe and well check
  • Replace our fire hydrant management system to ensure our operational crews have up to date information to allow them to respond effectively
  • Evaluate our new Risk Based Inspection Programme (RBIP) process to ensure it delivers on intended outcomes and is resourced accordingly
  • Continue to work with the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) to identify potential risks and put plans in place to mitigate them
  • Continue to ensure equality of access to Youth Engagement Schemes (YES) to reduce deliberate fire incidents intended outcomes and is resourced accordingly
  • Review our decontamination procedures in relation to our estates, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and working practices

Service Priority 2

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce

  • Continue with our fire engine replacement programme
  • Introduce Body Worn Video Cameras (BWVC) for improved firefighter safety and to enable users to reflect on their performance and decisions, fire investigation and enhance learning
  • Align to the requirements of the new Fire Safety Act and Fire Safety (England) regulations
  • Introduce new Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for use at water incidents
  • Continue to develop our Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure as part of our wider Net Zero Strategy

Service Priority 3

Putting people first to maintain an outstanding culture of equality and inclusivity

  • Launch a revised People Strategy and introduce a comprehensive workforce plan
  • Scope and define flexible crewing options for operational staff in the form of alternative flexible/ family friendly working as well as reviewing current policies and procedures
  • Reshape key enabling functions to support delivery of the People Strategy, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and evolving business needs
  • Commission an independent review of the culture within our Service
  • Undertake a gap analysis of London Fire Brigade review recommendations and create an associated SMART objective action plan
  • Review and gather data to support how we implement changes to the current leadership programmes at supervisory levels in line with National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) projects and change
  • Review and consider future options for current pay and grading framework

Service Priority 4

Delivering an efficient and effective service that adds value to our communities

  • Continue to look at an updated mobilisation solution for Derbyshire Fire & Rescue and Nottinghamshire fire & Rescue Service, further enhancing our ability to mobilise the quickest fire engine
  • Continue to look at realising further efficiencies in our joint fleet management system
  • Redesign of Glossop Community Fire Station in line with our Asset Management Plan (AMP)
  • Continue to consider and evaluate our collaboration activity to ensure we are providing value for money for the communities of Derbyshire
  • Review our productivity to ensure we are optimising the use of resources and delivering value for money
  • Create a high-level savings plan to meet current and future funding challenges

Service Priority 5

Promoting continuous improvement through effective challenge and embracing learning

  • Introduce our on-call action plan and carry out an evaluation of key actions/workstreams to date
  • Carry out a gap analysis and develop an associated action plan for any new approved Fire Standards
  • Develop a SMART action plan for areas for improvement from our His Majesty’s Inspectorate of constabulary and Fire and Rescue Service (HMICFRS) report
  • Continue to implement learning from key reports to ensure best practice is adopted
  • Continue to share and consider National Operational Learning (NOL) and Joint Operational Learning (JOL) that may enhance future operating practice
  • Continue to evaluate learning from our debrief process for all levels of incidents

Service Priority 6

Enabling the organisation through data and digital transformation

  • Introduce our new Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Strategy
  • We will further develop our new HR system to deliver increased functionality and efficiency to the Service
  • Introduce a replacement Mobile Data Terminal (MDT)
  • Update community fire station meeting room technology to provide a more efficient and effective use of facilities for our employees and communities.
  • Introduce a new cyber security software to ensure our data is protected from the risk of external threats
  • Optimise the use of Microsoft 365 and cloud technologies with a dedicated ICT trainer and rollout plan