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Fleet & Equipment Strategy 2023-26

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service’s (DFRS) vision is to ‘Make Derbyshire Safer Together’. Our Plan 2023–26: Community Risk Management Plan (Our Plan) details how we will do this and recognises the importance of an effective fleet and equipment strategy to support its delivery and ongoing work against our Service priorities (SPs). Our vision is:

‘In order to continue to make Derbyshire safer together, DFRS must equip its operational and support staff with equipment and vehicles to maintain service delivery, ensuring resilient operational effectiveness and business continuity at all times.’

A considered fleet and equipment provision is key to an effective, safe, resilient and appropriate response to operational incidents, prevention and protection interventions and all business-related activities. This will, in turn, help to reduce the number and seriousness of emergencies we attend each day and help improve the health, safety and wellbeing of our staff and the people and communities most at risk across Derbyshire.

In order to effectively respond to changing risks and demographics across Derbyshire, we will ensure that DFRS is equipped with vehicles, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment that enables it to respond effectively to operational incidents in a safe, timely and environmentally conscious manner. We will embrace new technologies to enhance firefighter safety, operational effectiveness and business continuity and to help reduce our impact on the environment. We will strive to provide best value for money to the public through fair and robust procurement procedures, collaboration and partnership working with due regard to the Service’s medium term financial strategy. We will focus on maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of our fleet and equipment to deliver the best possible service and outcomes to our communities while observing the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) Fleet Management Best  Practice Manual.

Through ongoing financial monitoring and user satisfaction feedback gathered through the debrief process and Service evaluation framework, we will ensure we provide fleet and equipment that is fit for purpose and robust and that enhances firefighter safety and operational response in the most cost-effective manner. This will take into consideration the internal and external challenges and limitations as identified by the Service PESTEL analysis.

Our Vision - Making Derbyshire Safer Together

The Fleet & Equipment Strategy will reflect our vision, values, Service priorities and the Core Code of Ethics.

Service Priorities

  • Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

  • Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce available for operational emergencies

  • Putting people first to maintain an outstanding culture of equality and inclusivity

  • Managing the Service and the challenges within the current and future financial constraints to deliver value for money

  • Continuous improvement through challenge and inspection

  • Meeting the data and digital challenge as it evolves

Our Core Values

  • Leadership: We listen, develop and champion our people
  • Respect: We value the opinions of our people
  • Integrity: Our actions will always be well intended
  • Openness: We won’t hide anything and will share our experiences and knowledge
  • Teamwork: We will achieve more together
  • Ambition: We will always do the best we can
Theme/activity What are the objectives/commitments (‘we will’ statements in Our Plan) in our strategy? How will we achieve this? What does success look like and how will it be measured?

Supporting service delivery

Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce 

Delivering an efficient and effective service, that adds value to our communities

Promoting continuous improvement to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment

PSED Objective 1

We will improve our understanding of all our communities to keep them safe from fire and other emergencies

We will support the service delivery strategy and ensure that all departments across the Service have equipment that is safe and fit for purpose.

We will support the service delivery strategy to ensure that all departments across the Service have access to transport that is safe and fit for purpose.

We will respond to Service needs where identified through performance action groups, the firefighter safety action plan and debriefs.

We will periodically review and evaluate the current fleet and equipment provision.

  • By responding to end-user feedback and failure and maintenance reports
  • Through continual development and implementation via the Fleet, Equipment and PPE strategy group (FEPS).
  • Through more effective use of the fleet by smarter use of pool vehicles, car sharing and the casual user car scheme.
  • By investing in a more ‘agile’ light fleet that ensures the availability of an appropriate vehicle that can serve a number of functions – transportation, response and utility.
  • By considering and addressing all Service needs and end-user requirements through the FEPS group, the health and safety committee and the enabling board.
  • By collecting user feedback through the Service evaluation and consultation team and evaluation framework.

Success in this area will be a reduction in failure reports and reactive maintenance and repair.

There will also be a reduction in requirements and requests for new equipment as well as reduced mileage and costs across the fleet.

There will be increased end-user satisfaction.

This will be measured through evaluation and reduced defects. Budget monitoring will identify demonstrable cost savings.

Theme/activity What are the objectives/commitments (‘we will’ statements in Our Plan) in our strategy? How will we achieve this? What does success look like and how will it be measured?

Environmental sustainability

Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce 

Delivering an efficient and effective service, that adds value to our communities

Promoting continuous improvement to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment 

PSED Objective 2

We will improve our understanding of our workforce and create an environment where all can achieve 

We will consider the environmental sustainability throughout the life cycle of all fleet and equipment.

We will embrace new technologies and materials in order to reduce our environmental impact and carbon footprint, as detailed in the sustainable procurement policy.

By supporting our net zero and sustainable development strategy, environmental policy and the NFCC environmental, climate change and workshop waste policy.

By upgrading our fleet with electric vehicles and enhancing our charging infrastructure with the joint fire and police property team, in line with the fleet and equipment portfolio delivery plan. 

Success in this area will be the identification and implementation of environmentally friendly opportunities through the FEPS group.

It will be measured through the constant review of business practices against our Service policies.

Theme/activity What are the objectives/commitments (‘we will’ statements in Our Plan) in our strategy? How will we achieve this? What does success look like and how will it be measured?

Research and development

Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce 

Delivering an efficient and effective service, that adds value to our communities

Promoting continuous improvement to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment 

PSED Objective 2

We will improve our understanding of our workforce and create an environment where all can achieve 

We will ensure our Service has the vehicles and equipment it requires by thoroughly researching and testing prior to procurement.

Where required, we will develop solutions with suppliers, the safety and risk management team and inclusive working groups from across the Service.

We will use the firefighter safety action plan and debrief process to identify where developments are required.

We will work with the safety and risk management team and operational training to ensure the safe and effective implementation of future equipment.

  • Through continual research, development and implementation via the FEPS group.
  • Through engagement with employee support networks and diverse working groups.
  • By progressing the findings from the firefighter safety action plan and debrief process to the FEPS group where solutions will be identified and implemented.

Success in this area will be a reduction in requirements and requests for new equipment.

There will be continuous monitoring of emerging technologies and equipment.

It will be measured through monitoring and closing of firefighter safety action plans and debriefs to ensure continuous improvement.

Theme/activity What are the objectives/commitments (‘we will’ statements in Our Plan) in our strategy? How will we achieve this? What does success look like and how will it be measured?


Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce 

Delivering an efficient and effective service, that adds value to our communities

Promoting continuous improvement to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment 

PSED Objective 2

We will improve our understanding of our workforce and create an environment where all can achieve 

We will adapt ways of working to ensure our fleet and equipment are maintained, serviced and tested to industry best practice and NFCC maintenance standards and vehicle maintenance specification.
  • By conducting in-house maintenance and servicing of light vehicles, light portable pumps and positive pressure ventilation provisions to provide value for money and enhanced service control and to mitigate against rising external costs.  

Success in this area will be an appropriate level of servicing, which is identified through gap analysis against the NFCC maintenance standards and vehicle maintenance specification.

It will be measured through continuous monitoring of the effectiveness and savings realised through in-house maintenance provision against external contractor equivalents.

Theme/activity What are the objectives/commitments (‘we will’ statements in Our Plan) in our strategy? How will we achieve this? What does success look like and how will it be measured?


Keeping our communities safe from fire and other emergencies

Having a well-equipped, trained, competent and safe workforce 

Delivering an efficient and effective service, that adds value to our communities

Promoting continuous improvement to utilise digital technology to create a more inclusive and accessible environment 

PSED Objective 2

We will improve our understanding of our workforce and create an environment where all can achieve 

We will dispose of all assets at the end of their life in an ethical manner that is open, transparent and environmentally friendly.

We will endeavour to mitigate any potential corporate risk by ensuring that all disposals adhere to the relevant legislation and best practice detailed in NFCC procurement/disposal of assets.

  • By using approved contractors to dispose of assets securely and ethically.

Success in this area will be continuous engagement with external contractors and the ethical disposal of assets at the end of their life. 

It will be measured through the contractual monitoring of external contractors against the NFCC procurement/disposal of assets.