Corporate plans
This section contains information about our corporate plans to deliver and manage our services in order to achieve our vision of ‘Making Derbyshire Safer Together’.
This section contains information about our corporate plans to deliver and manage our services in order to achieve our vision of ‘Making Derbyshire Safer Together’.
Each year the Service goes through a Strategic Planning Cycle which details what we will do throughout the year to refresh, prepare and create ‘Our Plan’, strategies and associated yearly action plans. Named ‘Our Plan’ this corporate document is formally known as the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP).
Prior to publishing Our Plan, the Service consult with communities and stakeholders to inform them of our intended objective / outcomes. This is then formally approved at the Fire & Rescue Authority and published on our website in April each year.
Strategic Planning Cycle pdf 623.00 KB
Productivity and Efficiency Plan 2024-25 (pdf 918.39 KB)
Productivity and Efficiency Plan 2024-25 (Accessible HTML version)
Our Plan 2023-26 (Community Risk Management Plan CRMP) (pdf 3,212.17 KB)
Our Plan 2023-26 (Community Risk Management Plan CRMP) (Accessible HTML version)
Our Plan year one action plan 2023-24 (pdf 407.94 KB)
Our Plan year one action plan 2023-24 (Accessible HTML version)
Our Plan 2023-26 - Year Two Action Plan (pdf 1,040.79 KB)
Our Plan 2023-26 - Year Two Action Plan (Accessible HTML version)
Find out more about our Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-23 pdf 1,319.20 KB
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2019-23 Presentation pdf 2,052.63 KB
DFRA Budget 2018-2022 pdf 605.51 KB
DFRA Budget 2018-2022 - Appendix 1 pdf 231.51 KB
DFRA Budget 2018-2022 - Appendix 2a & 2b pdf 40.22 KB
DFRA Budget 2018-2022 - Appendix 3 pdf 453.17 KB
DFRA Budget 2018-2022 - Appendix 4 pdf 60.32 KB
Strategic Property Asset Management Plan 2022-2028 pdf 1,891.04 KB
Procurement Strategy 2023-2026 pdf 592.77 KB
Protection Strategy 2023-2026 (pdf 515.88 KB)
Protection Strategy 2023-2026 (Accessible HTML version)
Response Strategy 2023-2026 (pdf 1,054.50 KB)
Response Strategy 2023-2026 (Accessible HTML version)
Prevention Strategy 2023-26 (pdf 1,868.88 KB)
Prevention Strategy 2023-26 (Accessible HTML version)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023 - 2026 (pdf 2,034.92 KB)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2023 - 2026 (Accessible HTML version)
Fleet & Equipment Strategy 2023-26 (pdf 1,276.29 KB)
Fleet & Equipment Strategy 2023-26 (Accessible HTML version)
People Strategy 2023-2026 (pdf 1,588.93 KB)
People Strategy 2023-2026 (Accessible HTML version)
Preparedness Strategy 2023-26 (pdf 613.42 KB)
Preparedness Strategy 2023-26 (Accessible HTML version)
Corporate risk management is the basis for the business planning function of Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Authority.
All organisations face risks that can impact on their operations. Corporate Risk Management is the approach we take to identify, assess and manage risk. Each risk has an agreed tolerance level and has a nominated risk lead officer who updates the risk ratings and risk control measures in real time. Variance in ratings comes from departmental and strategic meetings where internal and external influences are discussed. Risks can move in and out of the register according to their rating.
Risks are monitored by DFRS Strategic Leadership Team and the Service Management Team and are reported to the Fire & Rescue Authority members twice a year at the Governance and Performance Working Group meetings.
We produce an annual report that reports back to the Fire & Rescue Authority and the general public on how well the Service has performed in meeting its priorities and objectives over the last twelve months, a summary of the Service's financial situation, and an explanation of the structure of the Service and its governing body, the Fire & Rescue Authority.
Our Year 2023-24 (pdf 3,120.11 KB)
Our Year 2023-24 (Accessible HTML version)
Our Year 2022-23 (pdf 2,564.56 KB)
Our Year 2022-23 (Accessible HTML version)
Our Year 2021-22 pdf 4,951.53 KB
Our Year 2020-21 pdf 6,472.45 KB
We also have a video version of Our Year 2020-21
Our Year 2019-20 pdf 3,078.95 KB
The National Framework document requires all Fire & Rescue Services to provide annual assurance to their communities on the following four key areas:
Please refer to the Annual Governance Statement in the Governance Arrangement section.
Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service HMICFRS Report 2021/22
Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service HMICFRS COVID-19 inspection
You can read the progress against our reports here: HMICFRS: Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service (
FRS National Framework 2018 pdf 318.79 KB
“Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service will work together collaboratively, sharing knowledge, best practice and resources to generate efficiencies and improved effectiveness, providing better outcomes for the communities of Derbyshire”.
In December 2014, the Chair of Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Authority (DFRA) and the Police and Crime Commissioner Derbyshire (PCCD) signed a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) agreement that would enable them to build a new joint headquarters for Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service and Derbyshire Constabulary. The building was completed in August 2016 which was on target and on budget. This was an historical date for Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service. We moved into the new building with the Police between September and November 2016 with little interruption to our work.
The building provides a modern, fit for purpose work environment with up to date IT equipment, welfare and business facilities. Having been in the building for a couple of years, Fire and Police have built strong working relationships marking the start of a new journey and commitment to ongoing collaboration between the two emergency blue light Services.
Following on from the success of the Joint Headquarters, a brand new state of the art Joint Training Centre (JTC) was built in December 2017.
The JTC is the launch pad for the next generation of our firefighters and police officers, providing a learning environment worthy of our excellent teams from both operational and support backgrounds. A wide range of facilities are available enabling both organisations to learn new skills and also refine and refresh current ones. The JTC will provide a platform for ongoing collaboration between Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service, as we explore joint training possibilities to ensure we continue to deliver the best possible service to the communities of Derbyshire.
In April 2017, a joint statement was issued by the Chief Fire Officer and the Chief Constable, stating that collaboration between Fire & Police will be supported, led and driven where there is a clear improvement to some or all of the following:
In pursuit of effective collaboration both Services will ensure to:
Areas of collaboration to explore will focus on, but not be limited to:
A Strategic Police and Fire Collaboration Governance Board was established to manage, monitor and be the decision-maker to deliver these projects.