15 minutes to save a life
15 minutes to save a life - Available posters and leaflets to support the campaign

FireStoppers gives people an anonymous way to report what they know about deliberate firesetting.

Don't Get Wrecked
Drink/drug driving not only endangers your life but also the life of others.
Community Contract
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service (DFRS) protects the communities of Derbyshire by preventing fires and emergencies from occurring.

Whirlpool Recall
Whirlpool has recalled a number of Hotpoint and Indesit washing machines made between 2014 and 2018.

Christmas Safety
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service safety advice at Christmas.

Biker Down
Biker Down is a 3 hour course covering accident scene management, first aid and the science of being seen.

Think Sprinkler
There is clear evidence that sprinklers can be effective in stopping fires spreading and putting them out.

Blue Light Aware
The crews of emergency service vehicles rely on the help of other road users when they are on a blue light journey.

BBQ safety
The heat is on in Derbyshire. Make sure you barbecue safely.